at DCUK Directors College - 3rd March
Announcement by Jason Oates, DCUK Judges
Thank you to all the people who have made contact with me over the past month or so and I am pleased to advise that the number of people now "on our books" has risen to 23 and
we have interest from people who are new to judging,
which is very encouraging, and also a wealth of
experience including 3 personnel from the USA.
Due to this interest I felt it would be good to try and get as many people together at the earliest possible time and therefore I am pleased to advise that on Saturday 3rd March, to coincide with the DCUK Corps Directors College in Walsall, I will be holding a meeting for anyone interested in judging within DCUK, not only in 2007, but also in future years as well.
If you would like to attend then please email me to advise.
If you have not yet made contact and feel you have something to give then why not come along on the 3rd and have a chat.
Drop me an email and I will contact you back
Jason Oates
DCUK Judging Coordinator
Email: judges@dcuk.org.uk