Senators 2007 Corps Show Announcement

The summer of 2007 will see The Senators explore the drama and emotion of something as simple as a set of playing cards.  “Shuffle Up and Deal” is a rhythmic, high octane production that is as addictive as the game it describes. From the opening of the program the focus is in on the swirling, roller coaster ride that is the high stakes of the contemporary card game. Shredded nerves and drained emotions are part and parcel of a card game, where everyone who plays, sees more swings of fortune than they should have to deal with. It's a brutal game and will make a great drum corps show. 

The Senators will perform in both the UK and Europe in 2007 as they compete in both the DCUK and DCE circuits, they wish all Corps well for this season and they hope you enjoy their 2007 production 

For more information on the Senators please visit their website or read the full announcement here



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004