Kidsgrove launch new website & staff news

New Website.

For the 2007 season the Kidsgrove Scouts Website has been given a new look. It is a fantastic job and many thanks go to Lea Ibbs (new webmaster) who has worked hard on this site.

Also a thank you must go to David Hessom for all his hard work over the past few years on the old website.

Tez Smith joins Madison Scouts staff for the Summer.

A huge congratulations go to Tez Smith who will join the Madison Scouts horn staff for the summer of 07. 

After working extremely hard this year with The Kidsgrove Scouts Tez will fly out to the Madison Scouts on July 4th where he will be working with the corps he marched for in 94 and 95. He will return to the UK and to teaching Kidsgrove in Mid August. 

Tez follows in Mark Tarrant’s footsteps who Marched with Madison Scouts in 91 and 92 and then was a key part of their drum staff from 93 – 98.

The whole corps and Kidsgrove Scout organisation are very proud of Tez and wish him all of the very best on his journey.



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