Stafford Lancers Launch New Website

Stafford Lancers have unveiled their brand new website at Lancers Productions and Noise Design have been working closely over the last few months to develop an original fresh looking corporate site which is both easy to navigate and informative.
The site is a lot more corporate in look and feel whilst keeping it user friendly for our members old and new. It is important in this day and age to really maximise the use of electronic media and the website will be used heavily as a tool to promote the organisation. It will be used as a tool for generating quality bookings, building links with schools and other bodies as well as aiding recruiting.
Director Dave Milton said "We are extremely pleased with how the new site has turned out and i would like to thank Noise Design and all my staff that has been involved in the design process for their input during its development, I hope our members will be delighted and proud of it."
As the site develops we will be adding on more features including Lancers TV and an Alumni section in the New Year.




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