Concord Fanfare Team perform its biggest "gig"

The Concord Ceremonial Fanfare Team has just closed their 2007 season with one of their biggest "gigs" to date. They recently played for the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Business awards ceremony before 1200 guests from the city's business and commerce community. Held in the massive Ponds Forge leisure facility, the event is an annual celebration of all that is great about Sheffield and district business and attracts a great deal of public attention.

The team was proud to be invited to such a prestigious evening - apart from the money (!) the local publicity gained is priceless and has already led to further enquiries for appearances in and around the city in the future.

They have found the Fanfare Team to be an excellent way to publicise the Corps at high levels through the many public and civic events that the team undertakes. The name of Concord is being constantly exposed through these events and raises our profile and reputation in the local area.

Concord recommend all Corps to consider this form of performance as both a fundraising and publicity aid. The team is relatively small in number (we take a maximum of 7 players) and, therefore, easy to move around. It does not take a lot of extra time to rehearse and, whilst Concord is fortunate to own a set of specially-built silver fanfare trumpets, fanfares and flourishes can easily be performed on "standard" drum corps instruments. We have found it's also a good exercise to ask brass players to write their own pieces and we have used self-composed fanfares on several occasions.

Anyone wanting more advice on how to set up a fanfare team (it's really very
straightforward) can contact us via :



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