DCUK on Facebook

The official DCUK Facebook groupDrum Corps United Kingdom are pleased to announce their arrival on Facebook.

The official DCUK Facebook group has been set up to bring together the UK Drum Corps community, to share news of current DCUK events and, as we enter our 30th season, to share cherished memories of days gone by.   There are programmes, yearbooks, promotional literature, stickers, badges, patches, score sheets, photos, videos, magazines, newspaper cuttings, even a few knitted mascots from the booster stalls.

The group is being administered by DCUK Board member Chris Jones and in launching the site he commented "Over the next few weeks, months and years, I will be adding much of the DCUK memorabilia I have in my personal collection and what I have sourced from deep in the vaults of the DCUK office. Hopefully there will be something in this huge heap of 'memories' for everyone, regardless of the years and corps that you marched".

After only two weeks there are more than 450 Drum Corps fans linked together and there is now a permanent link on the DCUK website homepage so check out the Official Drum Corps United Kingdom Facebook group and why not become a DCUK "friend" or contact Chris for more details at chris@dcuk.org.uk




© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004