Birmingham Percussion Day - 23rd November

On Sunday 23rd November the Birmingham Conservatoire Percussion Department is playing host to the Birmingam Percussion Day.

Many great artists will be taking part including world reknowned vibes player Dave Samuels. Also to help promote the drum corps activity they have also invited John Wooton to do a couple of clinics as part of this event.

John is coming from New Orleans and has never performed in the UK before so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see him. He has led the Phantom Regiment for consecutive year's and also held the World record for single strokes in a minute. He is also head of percussion at University of Southern Mississippi.

There are two sessions, a masterclass where he will discuss rudimental snare technique and also an interactive session where people can bring a pad and join in with him. 

For more information on this event go to



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