Corps Europe Symposium - London - Jan 09
Drum Corps Europe hereby invite all European corps to the DCE 2009 European Symposium. The event will be held on Saturday, January 24th in the London area. During the symposium,
DCE will evaluate recent years, and we will be looking forward to the 2009 season. The DCE Adjudication Manager and the Chief Judge during the DCE Championships 2008 will be present too for a meeting with instructors, arrangers and designers.
DCE would like you to register for the symposium, so
they know how many people they can expect. You can find the registration form here:
The symposium is open to all corps staff and board who are interested in Drum Corps Europe, the DCE Championships and the drum corps activity in Europe. Details for the symposium will be published
soon and they will update through email and their website.
They hope to see you all on January 24th in London!