In Loving Memory of Luke Bland - Member of 6th Hove Scout
It is with great great sadness I inform the wider Band / Corps community of the tragic loss of Luke Bland, a drummer with 6th Hove Scouts. He passed away at the scene of a road traffic accident in the early hours of Saturday 14th February 2009.
Luke joined 6th Hove in the winter of 2007 after many years with the 4th Uckfield Scout & Guides. Luke was instantly a well loved character and soon became part of the Hove family. The Corps are truly devastated by this very sad tragedy.
Lukes Funeral will take place on Thursday 26th February 2009 in his home town of Uckfield. At the request of the family, Hoves Corps song Amazing Grace will be performed by a massed band of both 6th Hove & 4th Uckfield, members, staff & associates past and present.
6th Love Luke, you will be missed.....
"Amazing Grace, How Sweet The Sound"
Phil Clegg
Corps Director
6th Hove