DCUK On-Line Media & Merchandise

In 2007 Drum Corps United Kingdom launched "DCUK Theatre" which was an on-line media player and was used to make video clips of Corps performances available to view on the website. Unfortunately the company that hosted the software to run this feature have changed their charging policy and therefore DCUK Theatre has had to be closed down.

DCUK are now currently working on a replacement for DCUK Theatre which should be launched in the next couple of months - watch this space for more details.

Another new feature of the website, to coincide with the 30th Anniversary celebrations, will be a new and redesigned On-line Store which will not only be selling present & archive DVDs and booster items but will also incorporate a new Media Download Centre where, amongst other items, video and audio files will be available to purchase and download with part of the proceeds of these downloads being paid back to the Corps concerned.  Full details of this new and exciting addition to the DCUK website will be announced shortly.

27th February 2009



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004