is National Marching Youth Music Month
Press Release by BFYMBO
International musicians Jools Holland and Dame Evelyn Glennie have been joined by Sir Alan Sugar in supporting hundreds of youth marching bands as they perform to thousands of people during July’s ‘Marching Youth Music Month’
By playing outdoors in carnivals, processions and in festival arenas, youth marching bands perform to bigger audiences than any other genre of the arts. During July bands throughout the UK will be taking to the streets and public arenas celebrating an activity that is an important part of our national heritage.
Jools Holland has sent bands this message of support “It’s wonderful that so many young people get to perform live music with youth marching bands. Playing instruments and marching at the same time is quite demanding. As they take to the streets and public arenas this July performing to audiences of thousands, I wish them every success”
Dame Evelyn Glennie is patron of the national organisation ‘Marching Youth Music’. She says “I am pleased to support youth marching bands who engage with thousands of young people who would not otherwise get the chance to play and perform live music. I hope the public will support the hundreds of shows that they will take part in during July – and indeed the rest of the year “
Sir Alan Sugar, who in a recent edition of The Apprentice remarked that he had been a trainee bugle player in the Jewish Lads Brigade, has also sent his written ‘Best Wishes’ to marching bands as they perform throughout the country during July
Youth Marching Bands are a unique totally voluntary community arts activity integrating live music with marching, manoeuvre and sometimes dance. The activity is a healthy pursuit which takes place mainly out doors. Embracing families and community supporters, marching youth bands play a role in social cohesion and in encouraging a sense of community identity.
Northern Star Drum and Bugle Corps from Yorkshire are an example of what bands all over the UK will be doing during July. They are staging an appropriately titled ‘High School’ Drum Corps workshop at Rodillian Performing Arts College for 100 pupils, have a week-end training camp in Batley and will be performing at Barnsley and in Warrington. A busy month !