Limited supplies of 30th Anniversary Programme now on sale

There are a limited supply of the DCUK 2009 British Championships Souvenir programme/yearbook at a reduced price of £1 plus p/p* and the DCUK 30th Anniversary Souvenir Patch at a cost of £2.50 plus p/p*.  These are now available to purchase on line via our Merchandising Page  

If you wish to order both then ensure you chose the "special offer" option at the combined price of £3.00 plus p/p* for both items.

You can also order direct by sending a cheque payable to DCUK (no requirement to pay p/p if ordering this way) together with the details of what and how many you are ordering, plus your address so we know where to post the items, to:

DCUK Merchandise, 3 Eridge Road, Hove, East Sussex. BN3 7QD

* Please note if ordering via Paypal there is a charge for post/packing and this also covers a Paypal admin charge


28th September 2009



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004