Stafford Lancers to appear in new McDonalds Commercial

Press Release by Stafford Lancers

Stafford Lancers are to appear in the forthcoming McDonalds “Great Tastes of America” & “Americas Here” promotional campaign.

After receiving confirmation that the production agency wanted Lancers to appear in the new television commercial; contractual details were finalised and work started in putting together a 30 strong Corps of over 16s for the shoot.

The campaign features various parts of British Life coming alive with American pageantry and colour. You will see The Lancers as part of mardi gras which hits an English suburb and High Street.

Filming was shot on location in Lambeth and Streatham Common which meant an extremely early start, arriving on set for 8.00am. Some filming was also done in front of a huge green screen, which will have restaurant images overlaid onto it.

Corps Director, Dave Milton said “It was a fantastic day and everybody had a great experience in being part of this shoot for McDonald’s new campaign.”

Production Director, Stuart Butterworth said “We would like to thank Stafford Lancers for helping set the mardi gras atmosphere and a for professional job, well done”

The McDonalds “America is Here” campaign is set to run for 4 – 6 weeks from the beginning of May on prime time TV. 

6th April 2010



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