Tim Buckley - RIP

It is with much regret that we share the news that Tim Buckley has recently passed away. 

Tim was John Johnson's number two at the Dagenham Corps of Drums in the 1970's and a major influence when they changed from a drum and trumpet band and into the DCD and then Dagenham Crusaders. Tim was also one of the corps first conductors/drum majors when they changed from a traditional marching band to a Drum Corps. 

After leaving the Dagenham Crusaders, Tim went on to be an instructor at Thurrock Marching Brass and both a BYBA and DCUK judge. Tim will be missed by his family and all of us in the movement who were lucky to know him. Mr Buckley rest in peace.

His funeral is on Friday 30th April at 9.00am at St Peter's Church in Dagenham with his body being received into the church on Thursday at 5.00pm

27th April 2010



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