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UK Marching Band Alliance


Joint Announcement by Drum Corps United Kingdom, British Youth Band Association & the Traditional Youth Marching Bands Association

For the first time, the leaders of Britain's major marching band organisations have come together to talk about their groups and look at where they have common ground going forward.

During the meeting in Burton-on-Trent; BYBA, TYMBA and DCUK outlined to each other the backgrounds of their associations, talked about their recent successes and also discussed the challenges they face.

Paul Cartwright, Chair of BYBA said: "What became clear was that although our individual organisations are very different, there are things we can do together."

DCUK's Alan Thompson and Chair of MPA:UK added: "Traditional, drum corps or show band, learning music and helping our members achieve their full potential is behind everything that we do."

With this we are pleased to announce the formation of the UK Marching Band Alliance, a partnership between our three organisations, an agreement to work together where appropriate to help each other and our members.

TYMBA Chairman Carl Nelson explains "This isn't about changing what is at the heart of our individual organisations, this is about working together on certain things to offer more; more training, fundraising opportunities and more ways to tell people about the great things that we're doing."

You will be able keep up to date with what our bands are doing through our social media streams - & @UKMarchingBands on Twitter


28th November 2014



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2014
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom