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Report and recaps from Woking contest - 3rd July



On Sunday 3rd July DCUK returned to the Kingfield Stadium in Woking, Surrey for the second contest of the 2016 UK season (the fifth in the European Music Games "tour").  The number of competing units was down on last years event (which hosted the Blue Devils International Corps - was that a year ago already!!) but the level of performance by those that did attend was no less intense.

The day started with the Junior Class and both units where ones affiliated to the host Corps of today's event...

Cadence Cadets (2nd - Junior Class) - whilst small in number (and size of performer) they are a confidence group and performed a selection of tunes from the musical Annie. 

Although a predominately static performance they got the audience behind them and were a great start to day.



Cadence Juniors (1st - Junior Class) came next and were an obvious step up from their younger "brothers and sisters" in the Cadet Corps.

They performed a short but full show based around the Wizzard of Oz with the Guard in Dorothy style uniforms complimenting the theme very well.  




We moved onto the Open Class and the Cadence main Corps (3rd - Open Class). They seem to have made great strides over the winter months and gave a strong confident performance which was lapped up by the home crowd of supporters

Performing their show entitle "Arcana" which included tarot card visuals and featured a very mature choice of music for this still quite young group.


The Pacemakers (4th - Open Class) took the field next and their "Back To School" production was full of fun moments with members dressed as school pupils, the Drum Major as the Teacher  and even featured a Lollypop Man.

Special mention to the vocalist during Hallelujah who did an excellent job and also to the front ensemble that provided a well balanced addition to the performance.


Next up were Kidsgrove Scouts (2nd - Open Class). What a power house of sound this Corps provided which got the audience on their feet within 30 seconds and the stand at Woking FC took a real battering. 

Fielding over 100 members, their Symmetricity show features mirrored props around the field and is a real grower.  They are definitely keeping the pressure on as they crept a little closer in points to todays winners.

The Company (1st - Open Class). Having won the contest  two weeks earlier in Barnsley the Corps continued on their winning way today.

As expected there was a strong performance by all sections of the Corps and they really drew the audience in with their "Inspire Me" show which has a more traditional feel to the last few years productions and we all know this Corps will fight to keep itself at the top as the season progresses. 

Scores and recaps are available on our Results page.

The European rankings are now starting take shape with three Corps now over the 70 mark.  Jubal from Holland are currently scoring highest followed by The Company and then Kidsgrove Scouts - but still a long way to go.

Two weekends time and we have 10 Corps attending the next DCUK contest in Leicester (Sunday 17th July) including Spirit of 52 from Germany and so we all look forward to another great day of entertainment then

Keep an eye out for the next edition of Drum Corps World for an additional report and photos


6th July 2016



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2016
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom