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DCUK 2020 season - Coronavirus update


Over the past few days the DCUK Board have made calls to speak to the all of the 2020 DCUK Corps Directors to discuss how the current Coronavirus situation is affecting how we all prepare for the coming summer season. We appreciate this is a particularly difficult time - not just within the activity but also for many people personally.

Having had these discussions and taking all the current guidelines and official information into account we wanted to now advise that we have made the difficult decision to cancel the first two contests of the 2020 season.

At the current moment in time we are leaving the remaining contests on the schedule, Sunday 19th July in Leicester, Sunday 6th September in the Midlands and Championships on Saturday 19th September in Widnes but, as we are sure everyone can appreciate, each of these events are all subject to any restrictions being lifted plus, amongst other considerations, whether the Corps will have had enough rehearsal time to prepare.

These are probably the first of a number of difficult decisions that will need to be made over the coming weeks/months and we will be continuing to liaise and speak to the Corps Directors over the coming days and weeks and will post updates when applicable.

Please stay safe and healthy everyone and hope to see things back to some sort of normality as soon as is possible.


23rd March 2020



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2019
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom