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DCUK Year Book 2020 - available now


The 2020 will not go down as being a classic year for Drum Corps (or for any of the performing and marching arts!).  Thanks to the Coronavirus almost all activities around the World were cancelled/postponed and in the UK this was no different.  

DCUK had plans for our 41st year but all those ended up on hold, however, things did take place.  Corps did perform (although almost exclusively "virtually") plus DCUK organised an Isolation Brass performance and a Isolation DrumLine Battle.  So the Board of DCUK wanted to still mark this year with a publication.

As a result, we are pleased to announce the release of the Drum Corps United Kingdom Year Book 2020...

This FREE downloadable PDF will be a reminder of 2020 in years to come and is available from : or to download direct from

DCUK would like to thank all the people, associations and companies that have supported us during 2020 and we hope 2021 brings us back to doing what we love - "LIVE DRUM CORPS".

See you in 2021!

31st December 2020



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2020
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom