The Black Knights Presents – Funkin Brass!

Funkin Brass is the Black Knights latest musical venture, consisting of eleven brass, one bass, and a kit player. The purpose of Funkin Brass is to heighten the awareness of the Black Knights Drum and Bugle Corps as well as raising much needed funds for the group.

All the members of Funkin Brass have at one point or another enjoyed the benefits of being involved in the Black Knights Drum and Bugle Corps and now would like to support the group through this project.

The ensemble will also act as an educational tool for the organisation. We hope to be able to incorporate the ensemble in teaching the members of the Corps important musical skills, such as Jazz improvisation and interpretation. It will also serve as a means of giving those who have aged-out of the activity a chance to keep involved and give something back.

Funkin Brass were premiered at The Black Knights 2004 Awards evening, which took place on Saturday 23rd October. They proved to be a huge success, receiving requests to be booked at other venues and events in the area immediately after the performance.

Funkin Brass have just completed their second performance at Leatherhead town centre. Both the Senior Corps and Funkin Brass performed raising a great deal of money for the organisation.

Funkin Brass will next be performing on 9th January at the preview evening of current WGUK Champions Mayflower.

If you would like to book Funkin Brass or would like some more information on the ensemble then you can email Or call one of the following people.

Rus Rogers, Musical Director Tel 07904 093205

Paul Richards, Musical Director Tel 07795 175463

Graham Entwistle, Musical Director Tel 07793 229699

Steve Muzio, Corps Director Tel 07789 057490






© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004