Legon - Obituary
There are few people in the drum corps, winterguard and marching band community that can transcend the rivalries, competitions, and politics that inevitably take place in the activity. One such person in the UK and European circuit was Ann Legon.
Ann sadly died in February this year aged 82. Husband John, and daughters Sue and Carol were by her side when she finally left us peacefully in hospital.
Ann and John both became active drum corps parents when Sue and then Carol entered the UK scene with Mayflower and then Basildon Blue Eagles. Ann and John both became part of the management team for these corps. Ann then became a tabulator for DCUK in the early 1990s, and progressed to tabulating for DCUK, BYBA and WGUK. She also became the administrator for the UK and European judges association, a role that originally involved posting out judging allocations, show details, and any other correspondence required to be circulated, but ended up organising flights, accommodation and other travel logistics as the judges spread their services to cover shows in UK, Ireland and mainland Europe.
Originally from the London area, Ann lived in Wales at an early age, then moved back to London and then to Essex once married to John. This is where their ‘drum corps journey’ began with Mayflower and Basildon. She became part of Basildon Blue Eagles folklore at a Christmas disco where she took part in a parent’s winterguard programme. After a brandy too many for dutch courage, she managed to end the show with a flourish, standing on another mum’s flag causing Ann to collapse in a heap. Not the planned ending, but the brandies were enough to prevent any injury.
They then moved to Brighton in 1993, and soon found themselves involved in local corps Southern Aurora and 6th Hove Scouts, later The 6th, again both joining the management teams.
Ann was passionate about helping and supporting all drum corps and winterguard activities in UK and Europe, and attended most shows either in her role as tabulator, or simply as a supporter. Over the years she has made many many friends in the activity in all aspects from judges, leaders, members, and supporters.
She leaves John, Sue and Carol, along with 6 grandchildren who have all been involved in the drum corps and winterguard activity, and 2 great grandchildren. Sadly she will not see the birth of her 3rd grandchild in April.
I am sure you will all join me in wishing Ann a peaceful rest – she has earned it.
Written by Ian Lyall
24th March 2021