To Corps Directors
Re – National Marching Youth Music Week
All member organisations of the British Federation of Youth Marching Band Organisations are committed to support the National Marching Youth Music Week from 25th June to 2nd July 2005.
The week needs to involve youth marching bands throughout the country so that we can raise our unique activity’s profile and encourage more young people to join.
How ??
On usual meeting nights bands could invite local members of their organisation and/or other local youngsters to visit and take part in a workshop. Local Mayors/Council Leaders/ Headteachers etc might also be invited. Bands might already have a booking or contest appearance that could be designated as part of the week. Bands might decide to make special arrangements to play in a local shopping mall (or perhaps railway station) and encourage passing families to try playing an instrument.
Next – Urgent
This will only benefit the activity if as many bands as possible take part – and the Federation needs to know this as a matter of extreme urgency ! We can’t hold a high profile launch at the start of the week, if we don’t know what else is happening !
Although details were sent out on a purple coloured newsletter in early April the back page is attached to this memo for convenience. The important statistical information requested is also part of the Federation’s strategy to raise the activity’s profile. Those returns received so far all record more members.
In late May the Federation will e mail to all participating bands, material to help them promote their involvement locally.
Please send this form direct to Jim Vaughan, BFYMBO, PO Box 141, Eastleigh, Hants. SO53 3WS