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DCUK Hall of Fame Inductees 2019



In 2017 Drum Corps United Kingdom introduced its own Hall of Fame as a way of honouring the “legends” of the activity ensuring they are remembered for the indelible impressions they have left

New candidates for the Hall of Fame have been nominated and seconded and discussed by the Hall of Fame assessment team and we are proud to announce that the successful candidates for 2019 are Eddie Hendle and Jason Oates.

Congratulations to Eddie and Jason and below is an extract from their nomination...

From a young age, Eddie was involved with music initially as a cornet player with the Salvation Army band and as his experience and reputation grew, he played with a number of well-known brass and silver bands.

In the mid ‘70’s, he became involved in youth marching bands, joining his brother Peter as brass instructor at Thurrock Marching Brass and, later, becoming Musical Director during their most successful period. His keen musical ear and approach to brass technique created a formidable horn line. As a writer he was clearly a leader at a time when many Corps were looking outside of their own organisations, and sometimes to the USA, for their written material. There were few UK based music writers capable of writing to the required standard that helped to keep the activity developing and stretching its talent. Eddie was one of those writers.

Eddie gave freely of his time, regularly travelling the country to instruct at many Corps and was a firm believer in the value of passing on experience. He had a fantastic personality and a wicked sense of humour and this made him endearing to all that met him. His kind words and encouraging demeanour helped develop many units. 

This led to his involvement in the Drum Corps activity. He was a founder member and first Chairman of the DCUK Judge’s Association and judged at the very first contest.

Eddie regularly judged for DCUK from the 1970’s to the 00’s and his passion for a fair, educational and encouraging judging system saw him active at the highest levels of the activity. at a time where the judging talent was in its infancy, and often reliant on people from overseas, or individuals who were not fully trained, to boost up the judging ranks. With Eddie’s support, the judging association was able to develop and provide better and better quality of judging and feedback to developing corps, all of which helped the activity to grow.

Sadly, Eddie passed away in 2009, however his input and participation to recruit and train judges is still evident and lives on with in the judging panel today. 

Eddie’s integrity both as an adjudicator and instructor stand as an example of fairness and exclusivity to an activity which has so much to offer to the wider world. He supported the activity throughout his long career and always fought for the ‘right thing to do’ for the membership. 

Drum Corps United Kingdom is proud to induct Eddie Hendle into the Hall of Fame for his dedication over many years to the DCUK Judging Association.


Jason has been part of Drum Corps United Kingdom almost since it began.

As a Drum Corps enthusiast from an early age Jason started his drum corps career through involvement with his local corps “The Pioneer Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps” initially as a percussion player.

From those early days and through the1980’s,90’s marching and then moving into designing and instructing. Jason has been involved with - Pioneer Scouts, Beechmen, Sunrisers, Diamond Vanguard, Forgemen, Staffordshire Knights, Phantom Knights, Phoenix Coventry.

Jason’s talent and dedication has gained him considerable respect thought the Drum Corps community and through his work has over the many years kept the drum corps activity alive in areas which would have otherwise failed. His tireless energy and support for developing many young performers, instructors and designers within the specialised art of drum corps.

In the Winter Guard activity Jason held the position of Judging caption head for a few years and judged for 21 consecutive years ensuring, though hard work, commitment and dedication, that a high-quality judging team was always available throughout his exceptionally long term of office.

Jason should be recognised however for his outstanding dedication to the DCUK Board over the last 10 years.

When many considered that DCUK had no future Jason stepped up to become a member of the DCUK Board.

DCUK has always been an activity run by the Corps and for the Corps and Jason’s insight from his considerable experience at the “coal face” of Drum Corps has always served him well when making decisions as a Board member, remembering who the activity is set up to serve.

At a time when we were short of Judges, Jason took on board the training and home study courses to ensure that he attained the accreditation and was able to adjudicate for the activity thus ensuring a full panel of judges were available for the Corps.

Jason has worked at many of the season contests over the last 10 years and is always part of the small team who work tirelessly to deliver the British Drum Corps Championships at the end of each season. The event which is recognised as the pinnacle for Drum Corps enthusiasts in the UK.

Drum Corps United Kingdom is proud to induct Jason Oates into the DCUK Hall of Fame for his substantial commitment to DCUK for more than 10 years as a member of the Board and for his lifelong commitment and dedication to the Drum Corps activity in the UK.

More information regarding the DCUK Hall of Fame can be found at

19th September 2019



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2019
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom